Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tapioca (Casava) mezhukkupuratty

A week off from blogging  and here I go now. This time I am going to post a simple recipe.Usually it is eaten as a  snack.It is a tapioca   dish. Tapiocas are rich in starch and  carbohydrates,so it is usually a full meal.

For this u need,
Tapioca                                      1/2 kg
shallots                                        3 or 4 (finely chopped)
red chillies(dry)                            2
mustard seeds                              1 teaspoon
turmeric powder                           1/4 teaspoon
oil                                                 2 teaspoon
curry leaves                                   2 or 3 sprigs
salt                                                to taste
Cut the tapiocas  into small pieces.(peel off the skin).Boil it with turmeric. When it boils drain off the water from it. This is to remove the toxins if any. If the tapioca is of good quality,by this time it will be almost cooked.If not,cook it again,adding some more water, u can put the salt also. When the tapioca is well  cooked,u can take a wok,do the tempering using redchillies,mustard seeds,shallots,&curry leaves.Your mezhukkupuratty is ready. This goes well with a ulli chammanthy(shallot chutney)
 For ulli chammanthy u need 
shallots                                         20  -25
green chillies                                 6-7
salt                                                to taste
coconut oil                                   1 teaspoon

Grind together the shallots green chillies,salt.(only slight grinding shall be done- not too much ie  do not make it a paste,. if the shallots are overdone  u will get a bitter taste).then   mix it with the coconut oil.

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